While we were at the beach on Tuesday, I managed to get sand in my camera and it was no longer functional. So, Nicole snapped this picture of Alex on the beach for me.

Tuesday night we played Scattergories. Andrew won, I came in second, and Ryan was third. We all had a blast playing the game together.

Gabe, Tony, & Maren

Barby, Ryan, & Andrew
On Wednesday, Gabe, Alex, & I went to Brookgreen Gardens. They have over 1,200 sculptures along with a zoo.

Cool Lion Statue

This spider was HUGE. Gabe managed to take this awesome picture.

Birds in the cypress swamp.

Cypress Swamp

Alex & Gabe
We decided to get some boiled peanuts and an icee. We had to go to 5 gas stations to find the icee and three to find the boiled peanuts. Tony was the biggest fan of the peanuts.
Last night Ryan grilled again and we relaxed. Before dinner we had to make a run to the store. Alex was out of formula. So, for the trip home we decided to try something instead of powder and we purchased the ready-made formula. So far it is working great for travel. No mixing the powder with water, just pour the formula from the can and it is ready to eat. In fact, I am making one now.
This morning we had breakfast, Ryan snapped a few photos, and we started heading toward the airport.

Ryan, Stephanie, Tony, & Andrew

Esther, Alex, Caden, & Maddie. Yes, it is the world's ugliest couch.

Group Shot
On the way to Raleigh, we toured the Battleship USS North Carolina. It was pretty cool, but I wouldn't want to actually live on it. It was basically like a small compact little city. There were 2,000 people on the ship and they were all fed in an hour! That is really fast food. There was a dentist, cobbler, bakery, projector room, and all kinds of neat little areas. Wilmington North Carolina is a neat little town. We walked around the downtown area and had lunch at Slice. The pizza was really yummy. Then we went to a fudge and ice cream shop.

Alex steering the Battleship.
I will say that the individuals that work at the Raleigh-Durham airport were all very nice. National drove us to the gate when we dropped our rental car off instead of making us take the shuttle because we had a baby. The check-in people were nice. The TSA employees were especially helpful. I actually spoke with the supervisor and filled out a comment card I was so impressed with their willingness to help. I really like North Carolina.
We are currently flying on the plane to Dallas. The guy next to us on the plane is really nice and is especially understanding of Alex. He is pretty interesting to talk to too.
Gabe is going to work tomorrow, but at least the weekend isn't too far away. I am really excited to pick up Alex's 9 month portrait CD tomorrow. I guess it will be time to update our pictures again.