Back to the Nice Winter Weather
We returned from a trip to Illinois today. We went to see my nephew. We stayed every night until 9:00 p.m., when visiting hours were over. It was great to be able to spend a lot of time with him. Our flights were pleasant and I was able to read on the plane while Alex and Gabe napped. I finished Cross Fire by James Patterson. While Alex was napping at home, I started reading The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. It is the January selection for my book club.
I am behind on organizing. I need to play a little game of catch-up tomorrow. I need to do the medicine cabinet, under the bathroom sinks, the spice cabinet, my freezer and fridge, the laundry room, and organize toys. We also need to take down the Christmas tree. We started before leaving but had to abandon that project for more important things like packing. I am hoping to catch everything up this week. Really I would like to do it all tomorrow, but we will see how that goes.
Since most of our time was spent either in Jimmy's room or a hotel room, I don't really have any pictures from our trip. Here is one of Alex looking at the airplanes.
Continuing to think about and pray for Jimmy!
Posted by: Nicolle | January 26, 2011 4:19 PM
Thank you!!!!
Posted by: Anonymous
March 22, 2011 9:38 PM