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Update: I am behind posting this entry. I am going to dedicate a couple of hours today to getting vacation posts and everyday posts ready to publish. Look for the vacation entries this week.
I am taking a break from the regularly scheduled program of finishing my vacation pictures posts. I am also a little behind.
I bought Alex a Power Wheels vehicle at a city-wide rummage sale. It was only $10 and Alex loves it. They also had two older ones for $5 each, I should have bought those too. I know several people that would have taken them.
We stayed home for Father's Day and ate in. I made Gabe tiramisu for dessert. I was happy when he requested it, because I don't like it and therefore I will not eat it.
Alex painted Gabe a picture.
Gabe lets Alex walk Elsa (with a little help when they are outside).
This Black & Decker Work Bench was also a city-wide rummage find. It was a steal at only $5 and Alex loves working all of the tools.
It is pretty hot here, so we have had a couple of pool days here and there.
After a visit to the doctor we stopped off at the Dairy Queen for a cone.
We enjoyed the free fireworks and festivities at a casino that is nearby. We were prepared to leave once the fireworks started because we thought they would scare Alex. That didn't happen. Instead, he had fun watching them from the back of his dad's car in the parking lot.
The vacation pictures will resume soon...hopefully.
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.