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Alex has a cabinet in the kitchen that is full of toys and kitchen items that he can play with. He knows that it is his cabinet and since we put his things in it about a month ago, he leaves the other cabinets alone. Losing one cabinet's worth of space is worth it. I guess there was something in the back of the cabinet that he wanted today. I am not sure what was in there, because he had pulled basically everything out onto the floor.


The guys didn't really impress me last night on American Idol. I was really looking forward to the performances by Andrew Garcia and Michael Lynche. They weren't as stellar as I was expecting. If all else fails, I am going to start rooting for Aaron Kelly (I know an Aaron Kelly in real life). I am off to watch the eliminations.


I didn't care much for the guys as well. Even Andrew, who was my favorite, didn't do too well.