It has been a while since I have written and actual entry that does something more than wish someone a "happy birthday". There isn't a whole lot to catch up on. Let's see. On the 27th I had an anaphylactic reaction, but it wasn't anything that epinephrine and a whole host of other drugs couldn't fix. I started working out, you know, working on Resolution #1 for 2010 (run in a race). I have since stopped, but keep reading to find out why. On the 29th a few people came over and we had a "craft night". Gabe and Alex went to one of Gabe's coworkers for pizza. On the 30th Gabe and I went to a benefit dinner. I bought a piece of art during the silent auction.

The reason our deadbolts must be locked at all times.

Alex and me after the whole anaphylactic business.
Alex started getting sick on the 31st. He went to the doctor on the 2nd and was diagnosed with infections in both ears, eyes, and his throat. His fever went from 103 to 105, so off to the ER we went. We were told the temperature increase was due to the severe ear infection.

Poor little guy!
On the 3rd, Alex had an appointment with the ENT. All of the surgery slots were booked for quite a while, but the doctor said Alex really needed tubes and he couldn't wait. So, a slot was added on the 9th for him (6:30 a.m., but hey we will take it). They like to wait until the ears are healed to do surgery, but the ENT said we can't wait and he needs them now. Oh, he had a reaction to one of the medicines that he was taking (redness and hives) and we headed to the pharmacy for a new medication. While they were filling the prescription we decided to have lunch. Alex was fussy, so we checked his temperature. Yes, I am a dork that carries a thermometer with me. It was 106.1 (this is with medication to control his temperature every 3 hours). So, off to the ER we went again. Alex was diagnosed with pneumonia. We started all new medications. At this point, I should have stock in the pharmacy. They gave him a shot and a breathing treatment before we left.

Hanging out in the ER.
Fortunately, the shot did wonders, because he woke up the next day 1000 times better than the day before. Don't get me wrong, he was still sick (and still is), but it was huge improvement.

This is a HUGE improvement. At this point he is starting to eat a little bit and walking around.
So, all of my plans were canceled for the week. I did a good job of running up until the 4th, when Gabe was really sick and he missed work on Friday. Gabe is still sick and we believe he has the same thing Alex does...hopefully his won't go into pneumonia. Anyway, due to the pneumonia, his surgery has been rescheduled for the 16th. I can't say I blame the doctor for not wanting to do surgery on an individual that has compromised breathing. Again, he was kind enough to add a surgery slot for Alex (6:30 a.m.) We will be up bright and early since the surgery center is about an hour from our house.
So far I have missed two running slots, but I do plan to pick it up again soon. I guess one bright spot out of all of this is we have managed to make it through all but about two movies on our DVR. So, we will be watching the Superbowl from home today. We were invited to two parties, but we will not be going to either one. Go Saints!

I am going to leave you with this picture of Alex. He is feeling much better at this point and just has a little cough left. He is still on a lot of medication, but his temperature is controlled and he seems to be healing.