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2009 New Years Resolution

Since the year is at and end, it is time to check on last year's resolution.

1. Organize Stamps - complete
2. Finish 2008 Scrapbook - complete
3. Lose Baby Weight - complete
4. Do A 365 Scrapbook - this one isn't going to happen. I lost my motivation when I lost my camera.
5. Make at Least One Christmas Present Per Month - complete
6. Update Alex's Baby Book - complete, but it is an ongoing process.
7. Unpack/Organize House ( I would LOVE to complete this by the end of February) - complete
8. Landscape Back Yard - complete

Okay, so overall not too bad.


Color me impressed!!! I'm afraid I can't even remember my 2009 resolutions. Sad really.

Stopping by from SiTS to welcome you to the gang - here's to you having a lot of check marks in 2010!

Thanks! I hope I complete my 2010 list too!