Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary Brandi & Doug!
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Happy anniversary Brandi & Doug!
We left for Las Vegas today. I have a conference to attend. I still need a few TQ CE credits. Basically, it amounts to listening to a 2 hour lecture and taking a test to see if you actually paid attention and learned something. I have quite a few hours I will be attending.
Alex on the airplane.
Once we checked into our room, I changed clothes. Gabe, Alex, and I grabbed lunch at the Grand Lux Cafe and then I went to class. Gabe & Alex headed to the airport to pick up Gabe's parents and then to Target to get some necessary supplies (i.e., diapers, baby food, etc.). I joined them again in the evening and we went to the buffet at the Wynn for dinner. Since this is our hotel, we didn't have to go very far for dinner. I think I got my monies worth at the dessert portion.
I was pleasantly suprised when Gabe's mom gave me several baby blankets for Greyson's Gift. Be sure and check out the website and/or my original entry to see how you can help.
Happy Birthday Robyn!
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.
Monday we toured another school for Alex. I tend to steer away from calling them day cares, because they are actually run like a pre-school. We both preferred this one over the last one that we toured. We put him on the wait list. He can't attend until he is one anyway. So, it will just be a waiting game until he is old enough and a slot is available.
Wednesday was the meeting for the book club. This time it was at our house. The book was Dixiland Sushi. The book itself was a really easy read, but there wasn't a whole lot of content to discuss. We managed to have a good time anyway. I also read The Alchemist a few weeks ago. It was recommended by a friend about a year or so ago. I was disappointed. It wasn't a bad book, but I think I had built it up in my mind over the past year and there was no way that the book could live up to my expectations...or maybe it just isn't my type of book.
Friday, Gabe and I went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant and then saw Spamalot. Spamalot was funny, but it wasn't my favorite. Wicked takes that honor. J said that Alex didn't cry a lot. He was fine until she took him downstairs to make a bottle (apparently he thought we were downstairs hanging out). After that he cried off and on for an hour and then he went to sleep).
Saturday we went to our town's festival. Gabe's office had a booth. We had a good time walking around. Gabe was at the festival from noon until 9:30 p.m. Alex and I went from around 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alex loves balloons and the yellow one from the festival was no exception.
Today we went to the Greek Festival. We had some yummy Greek food and bought some pastries to bring back to our house for tonight. We had our neighbors, the V's, over for dinner.
Happy Birthday Kyle!
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.
Monday Alex and I met K and her little girl K for some time at the pool. The heated kiddy lagoon was too cold for us to stay in very long. The umbrellas that block the UV also block the water warming rays of the sun. So, we went in the regular pool and it was nice and warm. It is still in the 100's here, so swimming is still a way to cool off and Alex loves splashing in the water.
Wednesday Alex and I met DD and two of her kids for some time at the park in our neighborhood. We have decided to throw a fall party in November. We were going to have a Halloween party, but we figured it just wasn't in the cards this year. They will be taking a vacation near the time that we would have the party and Alex has a birthday around the same time. So we decided to have a fall party in November instead. It should be a lot of fun.
Friday, J came over to play with Alex for a little while. She will be watching him while Gabe and I are watching Spamalot next Friday. Alex seemed to have a good time playing with J. Friday night we went out to dinner with Josh & Amie. We had yummy Mexican.
Saturday, Gabe, Alex, & I went to the University of Arizona's Art Museum. We were surprised when we found out they were currently offering free admission because half of the museum was undergoing an exhibit change. It was fun and hopefully we can make it back sometime once it is fully open again. After the museum we attended a birthday party for KA at MA and DA's.
Alex hanging out with the art.
Today we went to Phoenix in search of a KB Toys. We went to the mall it was supposed to located in and they were no longer there. Someone told us they moved to anther mall, but we were unable to find it. We did manage to find a good deal on some clothes. I found some shorts for $4.00 marked down from about $40. The stores are placing their summer clothes on clearance to make room for their winter collection. Umm...do they realize it is still in the 100's here and we still have months of warm weather left (okay, really we don't get too cold). The sales associate explained to us that people from Canada come down and buy their winter clothes. I was wondering who would actually wear all of the warm thick coats. We still have enough winter clothing from Illinois to suffice if we travel somewhere cool. We had a yummy lunch at Chipotle. After Phoenix, we met up with MD,DD, and their three kids for some bowling. I am much better at Wii bowling. Then we went out to eat at one of the only places that is open late on a Sunday (by late I mean after 5:00 p.m.)
Can you sew, crochet, or knit? If you can, please consider joining me in making baby blankets for Greyson's Gift.
I am looking for your help. Hospitals all across the country are in need of small, very small, baby blankets. In cases of fetal demise, babies are so tiny, even the smallest nursery blanket is much too big to wrap around their tiny bodies.
what they need:
12" x 12" and 24" x 24" flannel receiving blankets, in small pink, baby blue, white, and yellow prints. Use your best judgement, we don't want the prints of the blankets to detract from very small babies.
The blankets also need to be double layered.
I am off to the store to buy some supplies.
This week was fun. On Tuesday I went for a walk with DD. It is nice to walk in the mornings. Gabe and I also checked out a school for Alex (well, they call themselves an academy). One thing that I am not so sure about is he would have homework every night. Gabe was wondering why a one year old would need homework...me too!
Saturday I took my CPR recertification class. After the class I had a baby shower to attend. The shower ran a little longer than I had anticipated, so we were a little late to our next activity, a party at Kevin's. We had to leave the party a little early since Alex goes to bed at 8:00 p.m. My mint fudge was a hit. It is a good thing too, because I didn't want to bring any of it home.
Happy grandparent's day!
Happy Birthday Noelle!
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.
Happy Birthday Andrew!
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.
Today we went to the International Wildlife Museum. It was a lot fun. Alex had a good time touching some of the exhibits. I think that he will have an even better time once he is a little older. It was really neat that everything not behind a barrier had a sign saying "please touch". It was a really interactive museum. We actually had plans to go next Saturday, but there is no way that we would be able to make it. So, we went today.
International Wildlife Museum
Alex and a wild boar.
Alex and a jaguar.
Alex and a giraffe.
I still have a few things I would like to accomplish today. Wish me luck!
Happy Labor Day!
Tuesday, I went to DA's house and did a little scrapbooking. Wednesday, KG came over and we scrapbooked. Thursday, KG came over for dinner. Friday, I went to DD's and scrapbooked for 3 hours. I finished January and February 2009. Yesterday I ordered the pictures from March and April 2009 so I can scrapbook them once I get the chance. Friday before I went to DD's house, I took a few pictures of Alex.
Alex and pumpkins.
Alex examining a small pumpkin.
Alex throwing a pumpkin.
Alex and spooky Halloween tree.
On Saturday, Gabe, Alex, and I went to Apple Annie's, but not before getting the windows tinted on my car. The tint makes a huge difference. We had lunch at the orchard and then we picked apples and asian pears. We ate our apple pie and ice cream after we picked the fruit. We went to the vegetable garden next. They have pumpkins, but those aren't available until October. We bought bell peppers and some squash.
Stephanie picking apples.
Alex and his pear. He picked it...sort of. Gabe was holding him and picking a pear. Alex hit a pear and it came off the of the tree.
On the way back from the orchard, we stopped off at a vineyard. I really wanted to see the rows of grapes. I tried a grape and they were really sweet.
Coronado Vineyard
Today we ran a few errands. Now we are watching a little TV before heading off to bed.
I also won a giveaway over at An Island Life. I am the proud owner of a Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon from Boon Inc. This spoon will come in handy while we are out and about. The spoon holds baby food and squeezing it dispenses the food. No mess! Thanks to Boon Inc and An Island Life.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Graphic courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics.