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Pre-Drywall Inspection

I am going to keep this entry short...I think. I have a lot to get done today. Yesterday we went to the pre-drywall construction inspection on our house. There were a few minor things here and there, but overall it looked great. They have another city inspection and then they can start blowing in the insulation and then hang the drywall. Another city inspection follows and then they will tape, mud, sand, mud, and sand. That will probably run to the beginning of October. After that they will do the floors, painting, appliances, landscaping, and pouring our driveway (I am not sure about the order). I am still hoping for a completion date at the end of October, but it looks like mid-November will be more realistic. If they could get it to us by the original estimated completion date of November 2, that would be great (but not as great as the end of October). Anyway, they will give us an up to date completion date once the drywall is done and I look for that to be somewhere around the end of September/beginning of October. I don't really have any pictures, other than of the electrical wiring. So maybe next time.
We are leaving tomorrow so I can take the jurisprudence exam for Arizona. I was going to take it in August, but I managed to catch a cold for 2 weeks. Taking it in either August or September will result in a license at the same time, so it didn't hold me back for that portion of the licensing procedure. The exam is held in Phoenix, so we are heading to the Grand Canyon for the weekend. Hopefully I will have some pictures to post when I return. I have to study.


Oooh! Have fun in Phoenix and at the Grand Canyon. Make sure to go through Sedona... it's absolutely gorgeous!