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Vistakon does a really good job of always keeping us occupied. We are constantly doing something. Our days start at 6:30 a.m. and end around 9:30 p.m. We really don't get any breaks in between other than eating, and they pretty much bring all of the food to us. However, tonight we went to the Aqua Grill. I had Filet Mignon and it was really good. Tomorrow is our last day here and around 1:30 we will all be returning to the airport for our departing flights...I will make sure that Tony makes it on time for this flight :) My time in Florida has passed faster than I expected. It will be nice to be back with Gabe and our dogs. I am not looking forward to leaving the 87 degree weather in Florida for the snow in Chicago...at least I don't think that it is sticking yet.