Back to Packing
Today started with packing. We packed until we ran out of boxes. Then we went to Sam's and purchased more packing materials. I am usually not one to sit around and talk about tape of any type, but a few days ago Gabe purchased some Scotch Packaging Super Strength tape. I must say that it is the best packing tape that I have ever used. If it happens to fall back on the roll (which it rarely does) it is very easy to peel it off and start using it again. The tape doesn't even rip. It is much better that the cheaper stuff. Okay, enough about packing tape. After Sam's we went to the Last Fling in Naperville. The idea was to go to the Collective Soul concert. It was a bargain at only $10 per person. However, after eating and walking around we decided to get back home so that we could pack some more. On the was back we stopped off at Target to purchase some totes. I don't think that cardboard boxes will stand up to holding my books, so we both thought that totes were a good solution. Since returning home I have packed a few boxes. I guess my current break for blogging is over...back to the boxes.
I should really consider purchasing stock in the sterlite company...I have purchased plenty of totes.
Posted by: Stephanie | September 3, 2006 8:51 PM
Totes rock! When we moved we packed all of Andrews books in totes as well as my respiratory books. Just be careful, only a few books in a tote and it's too heavy too lift! Go with mix of books and then towels! :)
Posted by: Nicole | September 4, 2006 4:47 PM
We are getting very popular with the box company as well. I think we're going on over 50 medium size boxes. Much cheaper than totes, but they are good for heavier stuff. I think the overall total comes to about 30 18gal. totes and about 50 23"x9"x9" boxes.
Posted by: Gabe | September 5, 2006 9:52 AM