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Packing into a Box Truck

Tonight Gabe, Aaron, Tony, Maren, and I moved all of the furniture and totes into a rental truck to be moved into storage. We did not start putting things into the truck until 8:00 p.m. due to the weather. It rained off and on all day long. Finally at 8:00 p.m. we decided to start putting the plastic totes into the truck. Yes, we realized that the heaviest and largest furniture should be placed in the truck first, but our theory was that it did not matter if the plastic totes got a little wet. Around 8:40 Aaron arrived and Tony & Maren showed up around 9:00. I believe that Aaron has clinic tomorrow morning and Maren has to work bright and early. Things really picked up once they were there to help. I am really thankful that I have such great friends that are willing to help out. The apartment is now a wreck again, though less cluttered. I am going to take a shower and go to bed.


Hard to believe that it has been years since we helped you guys move in!