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Post Office...Again

A few days ago I went to the post office to mail some books on CD for Gabe. Because they fall under the definition of media, I was going to use the much cheaper media mail service. I went up to the counter and the postal employee weighed my first package. She said $18 something. I told her that I wanted to mail the package media mail. She quickly asked me what was in my package. I told her it was a book on CD. She said that I could mail it that way if that really was what I had in the box. I said that it was. She was essentially accusing me of lying to her about the contents of the package. She said that it could be inspected (this is what they normally say). I said fine. I had a second package to mail as well. Both of them together were under $4. So, I could see why people might abuse the media mail system. I will say that my classmates and I did get a few good laughs out of the situation.


i could understand how she would assume that you are a drug smuggling uni-bomber!

i probably should not have said bomber on the internet huh! i will be patiently waiting to explain myself to U.S. government.