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I just returned from my visit to Ireland today. I brought home the two souvenirs that I wanted. A Celtic-type ring and a sweater from the Aran islands. I am sad to say that after wearing the ring for about six hours it turned my finger green. I am thinking the vendor meant to say the ring was silver-toned, not sterling silver (though I guess it could be a low quality silver). But hey, I guess you can't expect much for less than thirteen bucks. This brings me to my expensive Aran sweater. I was really excited to purchase the sweater. I liked it a lot...until Gabe pointed out that the sweater smells...like sheep. I hope that the odor comes out with the wash. I guess if the odor lingers you will know I am near when it smells like a barn is walking towards you. All in all, the trip was enjoyable. I believe that one of my favorite parts of the vacation was driving through the Wicklow Mountains and seeing sheep walking on the road. Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures up soon, but I am still waiting on Gabe (hint, hint). :)


I think that rings that turn you green may be desirable in Ireland, as they are so fond of green. I must also say that I like the smell of sheep and think the sweater is quite nice. Hmmm... I will agree that the Wiclow mountains were really cool. If only we'd gotten there earlier and didn't have car trouble.

I went to Ireland last summer and I too got a sheep-smelling sweater. I confess that the smell was part of the appeal.